Food sustainability in Singapore

Self-sufficiency is important in Singapore. It ensures we will have supply of food in crisis like COVID-19. Allay concerns about food shortage during times of crisis

For example Singapore has the 2030 30% self sufficiency (30/30 goal)

In Land-scarce Singapore it is hard to grow plants traditionally

Hydroponics can be a solution to these woes

Why we are doing this?

We want to educate the public on the importance of conserving food, as well as how they can support Singapore's goal to be a self-sufficient nation in food.

We need your help

  • Are you interested in gardening?
  • Do you fancy cool technology?
  • Are you into growing your own food?
  • Well this website... is for you!!!

    Click here to contact us for partnership opportunities!

    Or, learn more about our hydroponics system